5 Ways to Discover Who You Are

The journey to our real selves can be daunting. It scared the heck out of me. I spent a lifetime on stage wearing so many masks that when I walked off the stage, I didn’t even know who I was. I didn’t know what I liked or even what I needed.

These five, simple keys will start you on your journey. We are each the artist of our own life with the extraordinary power of choosing our canvas, our brushes and our colors. The journey to yourself can begin with leaps or baby steps. Begin now.Having traveled that arduous road, I wish you the wind at your back and starlight to guide you.

1. Crash & Burn
Burnout lets you know, in no uncertain terms, what you cannot bear anymore. It’s a starting point to the journey of the phoenix. Mourn and then, move.

2. Stop
When you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything. Most of us will busy ourselves to avoid sitting with the discomfort of who we are becoming. Trust. Meditate, the answers are all inside of you.

3. Follow the Breadcrumbs
Look back at where you have been; are there any clues? What did you love to do as a child? Are any of those ‘loves’ still there?

4. Journal
Stop blaming the world and once you are past the rage and sadness of, “Is that all there is?” Look for your patterns, pick new colors, a new brush, and begin, even with a tiny dot…

5. Clear a New Space
If from the inside out isn’t working, start from the outside in. Clear the clutter of your old life and ask two questions: Do I love this? Do I use it? If not, let it go. Make space for a new design.