BECOME Brave, Bold & Beautiful

Begin your transformation now. Get your free report:
5 Secrets to Rapid Change & Designing a Life You Love.

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I help mid-life women like you become Brave, Bold and Beautiful, and bring all of who you are into the spotlight to create magic and impact in your life and business.

Did you wake up in the middle of your life and ask, "Is that all there is?" It’s time to revisit old dreams or maybe create a new legacy that fulfills you and leaves a shining trail for others to follow. We are ageless, multifaceted, strong, and authentic. Why listen to me? I’ve had over half a lifetime of international award-winning performance in opera and music theater. I hit 50 going about 90 and I crashed and burned. I turned pain into beauty and reinvented myself. My passion is to see you become fulfilled, Brave, Bold & Beautiful!

Huimin Toh

I gained clarity on who I wanted to serve, launched my business page, did my first photoshoot (Adria is an amazing style coach!), doubled my coaching rates and enrolled another new client!

Huimin Toh, Transformation Coach
Nicola Wynne

Adria moved me to the next level. I recommend to her anyone looking to work more effectively and achieve your goals. Consistently on time, on point ..great follow -up...exceeds my expectations.

Nicola Wynne, Gold Level Realtor
Diane de Zylva

Acknowledging what I really wanted helped me land a key interview with a world renowned ecologist only 10 days later for airing on my new radio show.  Thanks Adria for your keen ears and your exceptional skill set.

Diane de Zylva, Marketing Coordinator, South Bank Centre, London

Are You in Life or Career Transition?

Are you ready to make mid-life magnificent? Are ready to star in your own life? Begin your transformation now. Get your free report, 5 Secrets to Rapid Change & Designing a Life You Love, click below.

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From You're the Artist of Your Life Blog